Here are some websites we designed. Our goal is to create a website that is clean and easy to navigate and can be easily google searched and BE FOUND. You can have the prettiest website in the world but if S.E.O. (search engine optimization) is not done properly and does not show up anywhere on google search, then your website serves no purpose. Here are some main points and benefits of our web design service using wordpress platform.
- BLOG (included in all the plans) – You must stay actively involved with your newly launched website. Search engines love fresh contents. With our website, you can log-in and post new blog post as often as you want.
- Mobile Friendly – Responsive Design which adjusts automatically to various screen sizes such as iphones, ipads and android phones.
- Social Media Links – Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google +
- Auto Posting to your facebook & twitter when you post a new blog post on your website
- Youtube channel Embedding – People love videos. We can embed your youtube channel in your website and when you upload new video, it will automatically come up on your website
- S.E.O. (Search Engine Optimization) – We will do S.E.O. on every page you have us create.